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HIPAA compliance company_XOOR

HIPAA compliance companies: How to choose your right vendors

Companies specialized in HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliance have a deep understanding of the regulations concerning data protection, cybersecurity, and software development. At XOOR, we not only have the expertise but also valuable experience in this field!

HIPAA compliance vendors offer technical services ranging from building mobile or web applications compliant with this law from scratch, optimizing systems to align with legal requirements updates, to conducting HIPAA audits.

Any business based or operating in the US that accesses, collects, shares, and/or uses individuals’ health-related information such as diagnosis, treatment, physical condition, wellness, or addictions, must adhere to HIPAA guidelines.

Here, we’ll outline what it means for a company to be specialized in HIPAA compliance, offer recommendations when choosing a service provider, and explain what considerations you need to make to ensure your business is HIPAA compliant.

In this article:

What does it mean for a company to specialize in HIPAA compliance?

For a company to specialize in HIPAA compliance means that it has the knowledge and technical expertise to either develop software from scratch or optimize systems for organizations dealing with protected health information (PHI), in accordance with the privacy and security requirements set by US laws.

These companies handle the development of websites and applications that are HIPAA-compliant throughout their entire operational processes. In other words, they know how to create the most secure code for collecting medical data in line with regulatory standards. They are knowledgeable about storage methods, including which servers are suitable (and which are not), and how to ensure compliance with the requirements. They are responsible for securing the transmission of this data through information encryption.

In case you're not entirely clear on this topic, we recommend reading our HIPAA toolkit where we concisely explain everything you need to know. We also provide detailed information about who enforces HIPAA, and a list of free tools to help you organize tasks and communicate internally and externally using HIPAA-compliant software.

Benefits of hiring HIPAA compliance vendors

If you're thinking about hiring a HIPAA compliance software vendor, here's why it's beneficial for your product, business, and the people using it.

1. Minimizes security vulnerabilities with less effort

Information breaches of PHI pose a significant risk to patient integrity. Having cybersecurity specialists conduct regular penetration testing is crucial to safeguard individuals and ensure regulatory compliance.

2. Continuous updates

As new threats to the protection of medical data emerge, technological solutions also arise. The law requires following the latest security standards, so digital products have to be updated. HIPAA-specialized companies stay continuously informed about security trends, investigate the functionality of new developments, and implement them.

3. Increased efficiency and cost reduction

Setting up in-house development teams can be much more expensive than outsourcing, and there's a higher chance of making mistakes during the training phase. This can result in costly fines and require significant time to mitigate damages.

In a nutshell, hiring companies specialized in HIPAA-compliant website and mobile app development ensures not only the safeguarding of patient data but also product enhancements and greater credibility for your business in the competitive healthcare industry.

How to choose a HIPAA compliance vendor?

It is crucial to have a clear understanding of your goals and priorities. There are highly prestigious companies with a significant track record in the industry, but they may come with costs that are hard to meet. On the other hand, there are newer, less-known companies in the market that offer the same level of technical excellence at a more affordable price. The key is to find the right balance between your needs and the current state of your business.

While we cannot venture to state which are the best HIPAA compliance companies, we recommend asking them these key questions in order to have all the information on the table and make a more informed decision:

  • What technologies do you work with?

  • Do you undergo annual HIPAA training?

  • Does everyone involved in the project have knowledge of HIPAA?

  • Do you conduct an annual risk assessment to identify vulnerabilities?

  • Do you have cyber liability and errors and omissions insurance?

  • What is the estimated duration of the project?

  • Can you sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA)?

If you have any doubts or if a question remains unanswered during the meeting, feel free to send an email requesting the necessary clarifications. It can also be helpful to document all the responses in a spreadsheet to visualize the options, their differences, and make a decision based on that analysis.

How do I become HIPAA compliant?

To become a company that complies with HIPAA, it is necessary to adapt your healthtech business to the standards of use and distribution of PHI and align your entire culture around this regulation. We recommend following this HIPAA compliance checklist:

  1. Create a manual with security policies outlining procedures and best practices for all areas and tasks, both online and in-person.

  2. Communicate the manual to your entire team and provide training on data protection, especially for those who will handle PHI. Be very clear about the consequences of non-compliance.

  3. Assign an internal team to monitor compliance with the manual, so that you can detect improper practices before they become serious violations.

  4. Regularly audit your software to identify vulnerabilities and system flaws.Keep it updated, as security systems are continually optimized.

If you're unsure whether your company needs to be HIPAA compliant, you can take the self-test on our blog.

Get HIPAA compliant with XOOR

At XOOR, we help you unblock your potential by developing HIPAA compliant technology. We guide you through the launch of your digital product into the market, providing support in the ever-evolving regulatory and technological landscape of the healthcare industry!

We implement robust data security and encryption methods, meticulously document our security practices to comply with the standards, and generate reports based on internal audits.

We are a C-Corp with legal and physical presence in the United States, showcasing over 7 years of industry expertise. We have successfully delivered more than 60 projects, leaving clients fully satisfied. As accredited providers, we can sign Business Associate Agreements (BAAs).

Partnering with XOOR ensures HIPAA compliance. Schedule a meeting with our team, ask any questions you need, and begin safeguarding your patients' medical data. Build trust while mitigating the risk of significant fines.