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3 types of applications to adapt your business to the New Normal

The Pandemic broke out worldwide and changed people's lives in multiple aspects. We have already seen that the ways of working have changed and that remote work has come to stay. Companies not only had to adapt their internal logic, but they were also forced to incorporate technologies to bring their products and services closer to customers, offering them a memorable experience. From XOOR, we will suggest_ three types of applications to adapt your business to the new normal._

Before explaining the different types of applications and their examples, we need to clarify what we mean by "applications." It is also essential to show their recently growing numbers to understand the importance of adapting to be competitive in today's market.

In this article:

What is an application?

An application is a computer program that allows a user to perform one or several tasks through an interface that is usually intuitive and of rapid learning.

What is an application

They can be coded** as open-source projects**, often available for multiple smart devices such as computers, phones, tablets, televisions, and watches.

The origin of mobile applications can be traced back to the appearance of "2G" in cell phones. The applications are usually** easy to use, dynamic, fast,** and aesthetically attractive for users.

They can be downloaded from stores such as App Store, Google Play, Microsoft Store, Amazon AppStore, Opera Mobile Store, etc. But just because they are available does not necessarily mean they are free. In some cases, you have to pay for them, and in others, once they are in the device, they require a monthly subscription to use them.

These applications have not only rapidly spread, but also they have been incorporated into people’s daily life. Nowadays, they are known as "apps," which is short for "application."

Why is it important for my company to have an application?

Why is it important for my company to have an application?

Workers and consumers no longer need to have multiple tools to carry out their daily activities: writing, taking orders, doing family or business accounting, doing math, ordering food, buying clothes, knowing what time the bus comes or how the weather will be tomorrow, learning about current affairs, watching movies or reading. These can all be done on the same device, which you can carry in your pocket or backpack.

According to the research "The Smartphone Marketplace" carried out by the consulting firm Global Web Index, 96% of global Internet users have a smartphone, which represents an increase of 15% compared to 2015.

In Argentina, according to the last report of "Access and Use of Information Technologies and Communication" written by The National Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC), during the last quarter of 2019, 84.3% of households have had access to cell phones and only 41.4% to computers. It also showed that 79.9% of Argentine families have some kind of Internet connection.

From these numbers, we can infer that developed countries are not the only ones with a high access rate to mobile devices. Paradoxically, in countries where poverty is a current issue, cell phones and connectivity are rising.

tech in your company

In addition to this scenario, we should take into account the surge of the Coronavirus Pandemic. This context forced the world population to isolate and take refuge in their homes, making online shopping a window of unprecedented opportunities. Those who previously worried about the security of their personal data or possible scams turned to this format because they acknowledged its need. As they used it constantly, they soon acquired the habit.

The applications became less threatening. Using some of them out of obligation and seeing that nothing terrible happened, instill confidence in the users to try others. According to the specialized consulting firm App Annie, as countries impose tougher circulation restrictions in the face of the Covid-19 threat, downloads and hours dedicated to the use of Android and IOS applications increased in each region. The firm claimed that these applications related to productivity and education.

In that sense, mobile devices became companies’ major showcase; finding ways to adapt to this new normality proved crucial to achieving their competitive edge.

We have already seen what applications are, now it is time to go through the different types of applications and examples.

Web Applications

Web applications and samples

We already mentioned that the applications are software. The main web applications’ characteristics are that they run on the Internet. This means that the files and actions that can be developed occur within the web.

The advantage of this type of apps is that it is unnecessary to download them. Therefore, they practically do not need storage space on the computer or cell phone. Only a temporary copy is left on the computer when using the application.

This idea is linked to the concepts "online" and "cloud" because all the** information is permanently stored in Internet servers** that send the necessary codes and information for the program to run on devices.

Many people believe that web applications are only used on computers. That is not the case: from a cell phone, we can make an application work through browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.

web app samples

To learn more about the history of these technologies or how web applications work we leave you this downloadable document: "Web Applications PDF".

Web Applications Examples {#webappsamples}

There exist different types of web applications. There are web applications to program and to edit images, videos, and audio. Some others are useful to manage businesses, store information, make purchases, and all kinds of activities.

The best known web applications are Google Docs, Facebook, or e-mails such as Gmail, Microsoft or Yahoo.

Mobile Applications

Mobile apps

The concept of mobile application lacks a specific definition; however, we can say that mobile applications work on devices that are widely used, such as phones and tablets.

People use mobile applications on a daily basis for everyday tasks because their size allows us to carry them in our wallets or pockets, so they are handy and can be taken out and used at any time.

The design is the distinguishing feature of mobile applications. They are very intuitive and user-friendly, made for touchscreen devices with small screens. In general, they are designed to acquire the habit of their consumption because it is easy to consult; it is always at hand!

Mobile Applications Examples {#mobileappsamples}

Sample mobile apps

There are many types of mobile applications: some are free to download through online stores; or through a computer and then transferring it to the device. Some others are paid.

Just enter Google Play, Apple Store or Windows Phone and start browsing those stores to find hundreds and hundreds of examples of mobile applications.

Returning to the previous examples, Facebook, e-mails, and Google Docs have their mobile devices versions.

Responsive Web Applications

Aplicaciones Responsive

Responsive or customizable applications are designed to work in a web or mobile way without hindering the user's experience.

A responsive app, whether web or mobile, adapts to the browser in which it runs. The content of this type of application can be consumed from a tablet, computer, television, or phone: the images and text will not be distorted. It does not require infinite scrolls, or having to resize the screen to see the whole.

On the contrary, the responsive applications characteristic is that the content is regrouped, and the elements’ arrangement is suitably modified.

recommended responsive web apps

Whether they are mobile or web, from XOOR, we recommend these types of applications as they allow you to ensure your customers an invaluable experience with your brand. We specialize in developing these applications with a responsive design that responds to your company’s needs.

To learn more about how we work, how to adapt your business to the new normality, or how to carry out a specific project, write to us at hello@xoor.io. Don't be shy and get in touch with us!